Our Performance Rebuild suite of inspection and machine work is a great option for the value minded. Even with GM's rough port work the OEM LS7 head is capable of producing decent power with the right setup. If you are building a 550hp+ setup, it is difficult to beat the value of bringing the factory head back into better than new condition. Our deck milling, precision valve grinding and CNC'd valve jobs are a great way to pick up some power while ensuring your heads are ready to go for tens of thousands of miles. No tuning required if the OE GM cam, manifold, etc. are retained.
Pricing is for work applied to a pair (2) of cylinder head castings and components YOU supply unless otherwise noted. We are happy to build your heads with whichever spring kit, valve, etc. you would like.
Machining & Labor Operations:
- 100% CNC Professional Competition Quality Valvejob
- Valves Cleaned & Precision Ground (whether using new aftermarket or re-using OE GM)
- PCD milled to ensure flatness, surface finish, & achieve desired
chamber volume
- Customer can specify milling to an Available P2V Clearance relative to stock (e.g. .018" less P2V)
- Intake Flange, Exhaust Flange, and Valve Cover Rail PCD
Milled to new surface finish specs
- Thorough Inspection of Castings, Components, Bind Heights for your individual set of springs, etc.
- Deburring of Entire Casting + fine detail softening of all edges in & around combustion chambers
- Complete Cleaning/Prep including Bead Blasting + UltraSonic to ensure internal passages are clear & free of debris
- Professionally Setup & Assembled for your individual application - Ready to bolt-on & Run
Machining & Labor Cost:
Labor and Component Options:
Suggested Setup - Full Bronze Guides + an appropriate Exhaust Valve & spring setup for your given application. Typically, the Manley "Race Series" for NA or mild power adder apps. High EGT "Severe Duty," or Inconel, for frequent n2o use, turbo, & marine apps. Hollow Ferrea option for aggressive NA, or to increase over-rev safety margin. Regarding spring options, the common BTR spring kit with Ti retainers is a great entry level option. The Manley setups are a little nicer, and PSI's are the best spring available. Our 'Ultimate HR Kit' is easily the nicest, lightest option, using my lightweight tool steel retainer, top-lock style fully machined & hardened locks, and either new OE GM seal/locators, or separate hardened locators & seals. Other setups are available for racier applications (e.g. PSI duals & Xceldyne components, Jesel rocker systems, etc.). All of these will be set up ideally to ensure you maximize the potential that any given components offer.
Replace OEM guides with Ai Pro Racing Quality Full Bronze Guides & hone to ideal clearances - Cost:
Install Bronze Guide Liners installed & honed to ideal clearances to refurbish worn out guides - Cost:
Replace OEM guides with Ai Pro Racing Quality Custom Guides - Material & Dimensions per application - Cost:
Quoted Per App
MicroPolish OEM GM DelWest Intake Valves - Cost:
Manley Race Series Stainless Exhaust Valves - Cost:
Ferrea Super-Alloy Inconel High EGT Exhaust Valves - Cost:
Ferrea Hollow Stemmed Lightweight Stainless Exhaust Valves - Cost:
New OE GM DelWest manufactured CrN coated Ti Intake Valves - Cost:
Varies ~$110-$135ea
Manley / Victory Valves CrN coated Titanium Intake Valves w/ or w/o integral Hard Tips - Cost:
Premium Ai Custom Titanium Intake Valves, fully coated, fully optioned, designed per app - Cost:
Ai PSI 1511 MaxLife Endurance Springs w/ Hardened Steel Locators & Viton Seals. 100% QC - Cost:
Ai PSI 1515/1516 High Lift MaxLife Endurance Springs w/ Hardened Steel Locators & Viton Seals. 100% QC - Cost:
Ai Ultimate HR Kit w/ PSI MaxLife High Lift springs + Ai Lwt Tool Steel Retainers, Machined Locks, Locators, 100% QC - Cost:
Ai Pro-Series PSI Dual Spring Kit w/ Professional Racing Quality Components, .6XX" Lift w/ Stock Rockers. 100% QC - Cost:
Ai Pro-Series PSI Dual Spring Kit w/ Professional Racing Quality Components, .6XX"-.7XX" Lift HR or SR. 100% QC - Cost:
Ai Lightweight Tool Steel Retainers for beehive style springs. Lighter than Ti Dual Spring Retainers - Cost:
Manley Titanium Retainers for OEM, PAC, PSI, etc. beehive style springs - Cost:
BTR .660" Polished Dual Spring Kit w/ locators, viton seals, & Titanium Retainers - Cost:
Manley Nextek .660" rated shot peened & polished Dual Spring Kit w/ Titanium Retainers - Cost:
Manley Nextek .700" rated shot peened & polished Dual Spring Kit w/ Titanium Retainers - Cost:
Manley Nextek .800" rated shot peened & polished Dual Spring Kit w/ Titanium Retainers - Cost:
Jesel Rocker Systems & other components are available. Solid roller builds for street / endurance, road race, or drag specific applications are available.